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Ms4th year and 5th year

Ms in Webmarketing and social media

Training also available online


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About the Ms in Webmarketing and social media

As the keystone of the digital world, web marketing attracts and requires increasingly sharpened skills in a job market where the function is becoming more widespread.

  • Learning to analyze the demand, and establishing a precise strategy to generate traffic and build customer loyalty, are the issues that drive the web marketer. These tasks are based on devices that you will learn to master during your training, with a special focus on social media. However, this now commonplace tool conceals many secrets that only the initiated can skillfully exploit to unite a community.
  • Web marketing is a cross-disciplinary field where curiosity is essential. A versatile course, it will allow you to master a whole range of skills. Web marketing is also about understanding the technical functioning of all the tools used. This technical part is essential in this field and will be of paramount importance throughout your studies.
La formation en webmarketing de Digital College est classée 8ème meilleur master digital marketing de France

Educational goals

  • Learn to spot and use current market trends in your field of activity
  • Be able to write complete reports on the website health using analytical tools
  • Know how to develop your visibility on the Internet and know all the key factors of success of content marketing
  • Learn about the acquisition campaign and the development ambitions of a young company
  • Establish a mobile marketing strategy and action plans in order to move from “mobile friendly” to “mobile first”
  • Knowing how to operate the various advertising levers


  • Digital Marketing
  • Content marketing
  • E-advertising
  • Advanced social media
  • Influencer marketing
  • Growth hacking
  • Advanced SEO
  • Web development
  • Mobile application
  • Mobile marketing
  • Digital law
  • E-commerce
Photos : Anouar Hendrixx

Diploma recognized by the State

Level 7 title "Marketing strategy manager" registered with the RNCP by order of february 09, 2024 delivered by Talis compétences & certifications Block validation option

See the skills sheet

Training page

Training in two years after the 3rd year (parallel admission possible for one year after the 4th year)

Initial training

Beginning: October
Pace: 1 or 2 days at school per week
Internship: 44 days minimum in alternating rhythm with the courses

Work-study program

Beginning: October
Pace: 1 day at school and 4 days at work per week or 2 days at school and 3 days at work per week

Learn more about work-study programs

Online training

Back to school: at any time of the year
Pace: 3 or 4 days per week in the company if the training is alternating (adaptable schedule)
Internship: 44 days minimum if initial training

Our online courses

Where can I study?

The projects of the Ms in Webmarketing and social media

Project 1

Création et réalisation du Podcast Digital College :

Réalisation complète d’un podcast en groupe et réflexion autour de sa stratégie de diffusion.

Project 2

Creation of a mobile game:

Create your own mobile game, with your story and your character. In addition to developing your creativity, you will learn to master the marketing of this market that has become unavoidable today.

Project 3

Workshops :

Throughout the year, participate in workshops with entrepreneurs or companies evolving within sectors in affinity with your interests, such as music, gaming, streetwear, ecology or influence.

Project 4

Website development:

It allows you to bring together different skills, both technical and marketing, since in addition to having to build a website entirely, you will have to ensure that it is attractive and consistent with the positioning of your project.

Take your training online

Thanks to the Digital College campus, follow this course entirely online for a maximum of two years.

Through written course content but also videos and interactive modules, you will be able to obtain all the keys that will allow you to pass. The knowledge acquired is verified through case studies or online quizzes.

Throughout your program, our team of advisors and a referral trainer are available to help you in case of difficulty or for any additional information.

At the end of your online course, you will obtain the same state-recognized diploma as if you had studied on one of our campuses

How much does it cost?

A registration fee of 190€ must be paid at the time of registration, regardless of the pace chosen.

  • 1st year



  • 2nd year



The Ms in Web marketing and Social Media online is available as an initial training program or as a sandwich course.

A secure online payment is possible on our website, by credit card, in one or six installments (monthly debit over the 6 months following the first payment).

As part of the work-study program, your host company will cover all of your training costs. For more information about the work-study program via the digital campus, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Your training advisor

Lydia Arzour

Marketing Chief & Digital Officer - SEO & Content Marketing Expert -Creator of the Digital Glow Up program

The Ms in Webmarketing and advanced social media is the most complete and generalist training that exists. It presents all the expertise and acquisition strategies to master in the digital world to become a real leader in the field. You will benefit from personalized coaching to give you the right mindset to succeed in your digital career. It opens the door to many positions, whether in an agency as an expert in an acquisition channel or with an advertiser as an acquisition manager or digital project manager. If you have the soul of an entrepreneur in you, this course will also provide you with the right reflexes to have to successfully carry out your entrepreneurial project in the digital world.

Lydia Arzour la référente fillière de la formation en marketing digital
Here is DC

Testimonials from former students


A top school that exceeded my expectations! Rich and very interesting subjects, with professional and very pedagogical speakers and a personalized follow-up from the teaching team. But above all, it is a school that is close to its students and that is a big plus for me. I highly recommend this school if you want to take a professional and complete training!


Good program allowing to create professional opportunities notably with the speakers and between students.


A complete program with professionals who are up to the task and a very good teaching team.


A solid program taught by digital professionals who expose us to the reality of the working world through their current and past experiences. We had masterclasses with Loïc Kervran, deputy at the national assembly, Colonel Philippe Geay de Montenon, deputy commander of the cyber defense, Cédrick Lohou, digital marketing/communication manager for the REC 118 label, Aurélie Juillard, communication manager at Michel & Augustin France and even international speakers.


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