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Ms4th year and 5th year

Digital communication & e-influence

Training also available online


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About the Ms in Digital Communication and e-influence

If digital communication affects all companies, mastering it is not instinctive!

  • Learn how to choose the tools that will achieve your goals and dive into the world of web influencers, such as Youtubers or Instagramers, to expand your digital reach. This last specialization, which is still not offered in many schools, is already a source of employment and will give you a real edge on the job market.
  • The teachers you will meet are all professionals in their field. In addition to the theoretical courses, you will have the opportunity to follow thematic modules during workshop weeks with external speakers. Goal: to learn to communicate differently, to come out with a sufficiently professional background, both theoretical and practical, in order to apply all your knowledge in various projects and later on the job market.
  • Throughout the year, students in digital communication and e-influence have the opportunity to work with associations, attend influence seminars, or participate in an eloquence contest.
La formation en communication digitale et e-influence de Digital College est classée 2ème meilleur master communication digitale en France

Educational goals

  • Define a digital communication strategy by defining the challenges of the organization’s presence on the web
  • Make strategic content distribution while relaying internally expectations of Internet users and their comments
  • Manage the various external relationships with digital partners
  • To offer solutions in digital communication in order to optimize the use of new technologies


  • Content marketing
  • E-influence and Youtube
  • Social media
  • Influence communication
  • Crisis communication & PR 2.0
  • DTP
  • Ux design
  • Digital strategy
  • Digital project management
  • CSR and social communication
  • Brand strategy and branding
  • Mobile creation (apps, filters…)
  • Media planning

Diploma recognized by the State

Level 7 title "Marketing strategy manager" registered with the RNCP by order of February 09, 2023 Delivered by Talis compétences & certifications Block validation option

See the skills sheet

Training page

Training in two years after the 3rd year of Bachelor (parallel admission possible for one year after 4th year)

Initial training

Beginning: October
Pace: 1 or 2 days at school per week
Internship: 44 days minimum in alternating rhythm with the courses

Work-study program

Beginning: October
Pace: 1 day at school and 4 days at work per week or 2 days at school and 3 days at work per week

Learn more about work-study programs

Online training

Back to school: at any time of the year
Pace: 3 or 4 days per week in the company if the training is alternating (adaptable schedule)
Internship: 44 days minimum if initial training

Our online courses

Where can I study?

The projects of the Master’s in Digital communication & e-influence 

Project 1

Influencer Experience:

An intensive week in contact with recognized influencers, to whom you will have to present a complete strategy that they may choose to apply IRL for their brands.

Project 2

Social Communication Project:

Intervene with associations in order to offer viable solutions allowing them to develop; the opportunity to invest for a good cause while approaching this aspect of communication which requires a real adaptation in terms of approach and tools used.

Project 3

Eloquence contest:

A must for any communication student! Challenge yourself to stand out in front of a professional jury during this competition that will help you work on your speaking abilities and your persuasiveness.

Project 4

Website development:

It allows you to bring together different skills, both technical and marketing, since in addition to having to build a website entirely, you will have to ensure that it is attractive and consistent with the positioning of your project.

Suivre sa formation en ligne

Grâce au campus numérique Digital College, suis entièrement en ligne ce cursus sur une durée maximale de deux ans.

A travers des contenus de cours écrits mais aussi des vidéos et modules interactifs, tu pourras obtenir toutes les clés qui vous permettront de valider ton année. Les savoirs acquis sont vérifiés grâce au rendu d’études de cas ou de quiz en ligne.

Tout au long de ton programme, notre équipe de conseillers ainsi qu’un formateur référent se tiennent à ta disposition pour t’apporter leur aide en cas de difficulté, ou pour tout renseignement complémentaire.

A la fin de ton cursus en ligne, tu obtiendras le même diplôme reconnu par l’Etat que si tu avais étudié sur l’un de nos campus

Combien ça coûte ?

Des frais d’inscriptions de 190€ sont à régler au moment de ton inscription, quel que soit le rythme choisi.

  • 1ère année



  • 2ème année



La spécialité Ms Communication digitale et e-influence en ligne est accessible en formation initiale ou en alternance.

Dans le cadre de la formation initiale, le programme est accessible au tarif de 6900€ TTC pour la première année (Ms1 Stratégie digitale), et de 7500€ TTC pour la deuxième année (Ms2 Communication digitale et e-influence).

Un paiement sécurisé en ligne est possible sur notre site, par carte bancaire, en une fois ou en six fois (prélèvement mensuel sur les 6 mois suivant le premier paiement).

Dans le cadre de la formation en alternance, ton entreprise d’accueil prendra en charge l’ensemble de tes frais de formation. Pour plus d’informations concernant le fonctionnement de l’alternance via le campus numérique, n’hésite pas à nous contacter !

Your training advisor

Romain Asse

UX designer - Co-founder of Monsieur T-Shirt

This specialty offers personalized support for each student.

Over the year, there is a common thread project with a real reference framework, the basis of which is articulated with the students’ work placements. A course that is both generic and specialized where your motivation will play a key role.

Here is DC

Testimonials from former students


Great training, I was very happy to do my master’s degree at Digital College. Thanks to this diploma, which is recognized by the State, I acquired many skills (by doing real projects for companies). The strong point of this school is its very rich and varied teaching of digital professions


A good program that gives you all the knowledge you need to launch your professional career!


A good school that I would recommend with a director who has a very clear vision in digital technology, a good choice of speakers overall, interesting activities with the school, good opportunities at the end.


I have very fond memories of my time at DC. Passionate and exciting trainers, a responsive and modern administration. The school has kept in touch with all their students to create a true Alumni community.


Quality trainers, brand new premises in the heart of La Défense, a very good relationship with the teaching staff and numerous events organized by the school (theme days, parties, weekends, trips, etc.).


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Learning expeditions

✈️4 Study trips
around the world
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