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Ms4th year and 5th year

Ms Innovation Management and Digital Strategy.

About Master’s degree specialized in Innovation Management and Digital Strategy

Innovation is at the heart of the challenges facing companies of all sizes and sectors.

This technical course of this master’s degree integrates methods related to developing new technologies and the research conducted in this environment. Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Sustainable Innovation are all areas that will affect a new generation of managers who want to go beyond the basics of marketing to enable future generations to have the tools to shape and optimize the world tomorrow. During the year, you will also learn how to manage with this goal in mind to maximize your team’s performance and drive your projects with efficiency. In addition, creative tools, also essential to the innovation process, are integrated into the program with the sprint design and the creative strategy.

Etudiant dans amphithéâtre, pour cours de ms management de l'innovation et stratégie digitale

Educational goals

  • Understand the challenges of innovation in business
  • Master the managerial practices related to innovation
  • Be able to define a complete digital strategy and master its implementation
  • Develop and push the reflection of a technical project
  • Learn to identify and use current market trends in your field of activity


  • Change management
  • Data science
  • Design management
  • Mobile marketing
  • Referencing strategy
  • Research and development
  • Sustainable innovation
  • Growth hacking
  • Internet of Things
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Innovation strategy
  • Data analytics
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Acquisition campaign
  • Sprint design
Photos : Anouar Hendrixx

Title recognized by the State

Level 7 title "Marketing strategy manager" registered with the rncp by order of February 09, 2023 Delivered by Talis compétences & certifications Block validation option

See the skills sheet

Pace of training

Training in one year after the Bac+4

Initial training

Beginning of the school year: October
Pace: 1 or 2 days at school per week
Internship: 44 days minimum, alternating with classes

Work-study program

Beginning of the school year: October
Pace: 1 day at school and four days at the company per week or two days at school and three days at the company per week

Learn more about work-study programs

Where can I study?

The projects of the 2nd year of master’s in Innovation Management and Digital Strategy

Project 1

Pitch & Innovation week

The concept must be patentable for the digital development and pitch of an innovative product/service! The goal is to carry out the strategic development of the product while respecting the whole process of patenting and intellectual protection by making the public adhere to this market innovation.

Project 2

Development of a website:

It allows you to bring together different skills, both technical and marketing. In addition to building a website entirely, you will have to ensure that it is attractive and consistent with the positioning of your project.

Project 3


Throughout the year, participate in workshops with entrepreneurs or companies evolving within sectors linked to your interests, such as music, gaming, streetwear, ecology, or influence…

Here is DC
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✈️4 Study trips
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