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Bachelor1st year at 3rd year

Bachelor 3 Project Management Communication

Training also available online


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About the Bachelor 3 Communication Project Management

If you are fascinated by the world and the history of brands, then the world of communication is undoubtedly for you!

From visual identity to advertising, from events to the press, learn how to define an efficient strategy to make a brand known and make an audience stick to its values or message. Beyond the digital aspect, discover this field of specialization more broadly, with modules such as 360° advertising or political communication. The global understanding of the environment and strategies of communication will allow you to acquire the sector’s culture and better understand the issues related to its professions, which are increasingly open to all business structures.


Educational goals

  • Integrate the steps of the recommendation of strategic communication
  • Understanding the codes of advertising
  • Defining a brand territory
  • Develop a creative and critical sense
  • Develop a budget plan
  • Learn to develop a project and manage it
  • Address the specificities of event communication


  • Digital communication strategy
  • Communication culture
  • Events and digital events
  • Political communication
  • Brand content
  • Advertising and media planning
  • DTP
  • Social media
  • Management and budgeting
  • Personal branding
  • Digital law
  • WordPress
  • Video communication
  • Management of a department

Title recognized by the State

Level 6 title "Marketing and communication manager" registered with the rncp by order of july 19, 2023 delivered by ascencia business school Block validation option

See the skills sheet

Pace of training

Training in one year after the Bac+2

Initial training

Beginning of the school year: October
Pace: 1 or 2 days at school per week
Internship: 44 days minimum, alternating with classes

Work-study program

Beginning of the school year: October
Pace: 1 day at school and four days at the company per week or two days at school and three days at the company per week

learn more about work-study programs

Where can I study?

The projects of the Bachelor 3 Project Management Communication

Project 1

Crisis Communication:

Students are challenged around a crisis communication topic for a given company for a week. Embezzlement, harassment, or another ethical scandal, you will have to face the lousy buzz while the brand is in the middle of a 360-communication campaign to launch a new product. Internal management, on the networks, via the press… It’s up to you and your team to offer solutions that will allow your brand to get back on track!

Project 2

Business creation:

For a week, create your fictitious company from scratch in the group. You’ll have a decision power on everything, from the business plan to marketing, legal and financial aspects, and marketing strategy and its digital dimension. You will present your project in front of a jury of professionals and compete in an inter-campus final. Will you succeed in building a viable project and stand out from the crowd?

Project 3

Development of a website:

It allows you to bring together different skills, both technical and marketing, since, in addition to building a website entirely, you will have to ensure that it is attractive and consistent with the positioning of your project.

Suivre sa formation en ligne

Grâce au campus numérique Digital College, suis entièrement en ligne ce cursus sur une durée maximale de deux ans.

A travers des contenus de cours écrits mais aussi des vidéos et modules interactifs, tu pourras obtenir toutes les clés qui vous permettront de valider ton année. Les savoirs acquis sont vérifiés grâce au rendu d’études de cas ou de quiz en ligne.

Tout au long de ton programme, notre équipe de conseillers ainsi qu’un formateur référent se tiennent à ta disposition pour t’apporter leur aide en cas de difficulté, ou pour tout renseignement complémentaire.

A la fin de ton cursus en ligne, tu obtiendras le même diplôme reconnu par l’Etat que si tu avais étudié sur l’un de nos campus

Combien ça coûte ?

Des frais d’inscriptions de 190€ sont à régler au moment de ton inscription, quel que soit le rythme choisi.

  • Tarif de l'année



La spécialité Bachelor 3 Gestion de projet communication en ligne est accessible en formation initiale ou en alternance.

Un paiement sécurisé en ligne est possible sur notre site, par carte bancaire, en une fois ou en six fois (prélèvement mensuel sur les 6 mois suivant le premier paiement).

Dans le cadre de la formation en alternance, ton entreprise d’accueil prendra en charge l’ensemble de tes frais de formation. Pour plus d’informations concernant le fonctionnement de l’alternance via le campus numérique, n’hésite pas à nous contacter !

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Photos : Anouar Hendrixx

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